Force Insensitive - A Star Wars Podcast
A long time ago in theaters far, far away four nerds got swept up by one of the greatest pop culture waves in cinema history. Now, as adults with a lifetime of fandom under their belts they get together to discuss the mythology, characters and business of creating STAR WARS! Turn up your headphones, dial back your sensibilities, and join the wretched hive of scum and villainy as we take the low road to resistance….
Force Insensitive - A Star Wars Podcast
S5E28: Wipe Off the Coordinates When You’re Done
Force Insensitive
Season 5
Episode 28
Have you ever heard the Legend of Kapusniak? Can’t blame you, it’s a little known tale. Let’s just say it involves paying respect to the Jolly Rancher and stuffing some peanuts up your trunk. Intrigued now? Well tune in to this week’s episode to learn about this and much more than you could possibly ever want to know as we dissect, derail, and discuss Skeleton Crew S01E04: Can’t Say I Remember No At Attin. Turn up your headphones, dial back your sensibilities, and join the wretched hive of scum and villainy as we take the low road to resistance on Season Five, Episode Twenty Eight of Force Insensitive!
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