The day has finally arrived where we can once again discuss a new Star Wars show. Granted, that show is the Bad Batch which we don’t have a great track record with, but we’re still ecstatic nonetheless. Might the first three episodes of the third and final season surprise us? They just might. Perhaps we have turned over a new leaf as tender Wreckers not tenderonis. Turn up your headphones, dial back your sensibilities, and join the wretched hive of scum and villainy as we take the low road to resistance on Season Four, Episode Fifty One of Force Insensitive!
The day has finally arrived where we can once again discuss a new Star Wars show. Granted, that show is the Bad Batch which we don’t have a great track record with, but we’re still ecstatic nonetheless. Might the first three episodes of the third and final season surprise us? They just might. Perhaps we have turned over a new leaf as tender Wreckers not tenderonis. Turn up your headphones, dial back your sensibilities, and join the wretched hive of scum and villainy as we take the low road to resistance on Season Four, Episode Fifty One of Force Insensitive!